(540) 207-3527

Pilots flying jump planes, aerobatic airplanes, warbirds and other specialized flying are often required to
wear a pilot emergency parachute. You should know more than just how to put the parachute on. We
offer a comprehensive 1-day course on pilot bailout procedures, which includes four hours of ground
review and aircraft bailout practice on the ground. The cost is $300.
We also offer a similar 1-day course that includes a tandem jump with Skydive Coastal Carolina* at the Cape Fear Regional Jetport. After all, if you need to do an emergency bailout, do you really want that to be the first time you’ve ever done it? The cost is $589.
(* subject to Skydive Coastal Carolina terms and conditions)
To schedule either course, contact Jumpers Away at Info@JumpersAway.com or 540-207-3527.